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DOS Emulator for Windows XP

Ben Sternberg (University of Arizona), a long time colleague and friend, has discovered a very good DOS emulator after trying out maybe 20 packages. It is GNU freeware and can be found at

We do not have a lot of experience with this yet but we suggest our DOS users download and try it out.

Installing and setting up a shortcut for Interpex DOS software 
in Windows XP

Windows XP is significantly different from other operating systems to date. DOS programs can be run under Windows XP but those that require more than 1024kb of memory will have problems unless they are set up correctly. In addition, hardware keys cannot be accessed unless drivers are installed as discussed below.

There are probably several ways to do set up a DOS shortcut, but one that works is as follows.

  1. Set up a command prompt shortcut on your desktop.

  2. Right click on the shortcut.

  3. Click on Properties.

  4. Select the Compatibility Tab on the far right.

  5. At the bottom, it says “Learn more about program compatibility”. Click on “program compatibility”.

  6. This brings up the documentation on the Program Compatibility Wizard. Click on “Program Compatibility Wizard”

  7. Click on Next and then select  the last item: “I want to locate the program manually” and click Next again.

  8. Use the Browse button and find the DOS program in question, for instance C:\TEMIX\TMXRUN.EXE or perhaps C:\RESIXP\RESIXP, then click on Open.

  9. Click on Next and select “Microsoft Windows 98 / Windows Me” from the list of compatibility mode choices. Click on Next.

  10. Do not select any display settings. Click on Next. Click on Next again. This should show a window displayed by (for instance) TEMIX saying FAILED PROTECTION CHECK.

  11. Take the default “Yes, set this program to always use these compatibility settings” and click on Next. Select Yes or No as desired to send the information to Microsoft and click on Next. Then click on Finish.

  12. To create a desktop shortcut, open Windows Explorer and go to the directory containing the program (for instance, C:\TEMIX). With the right mouse button, right-drag the BAT file (for instance, TEMIX.BAT) onto the desktop. Release the right button and select “Create shortcuts here”. Now double clicking on this shortcut should run the program.

Installing drivers for hardware keys

We use hardware keys from Az-Tech. Older keys are called iButton keys and they have a round button, about 5/8" or 1.7 cm diameter clearly visible in a black parallel case. Newer keys are called Rockeys and are either black parallel keys or colored USB keys. The older iButton keys sometimes work with XP and sometimes not.

To get the driver, you need to download Azsetup.exe. You then need to install it, restart your computer and then connect the parallel port key. Allow Windows to install the new hardware. Please also see
If you have already connected the key and if Windows already "found new hardware" and installed it (thinking it knew what it was), you will have to go to the device manager to uninstall the device driver for this before installing Azsetup. Right-click on "My Computer", select "Properties" then go to the hardware tab and click on the "Device Manager" button. Devices that are not working properly are shown in yellow. Find the device, right-click on it and select uninstall. Then disconnect the key and restart your computer.
If you are using a USB key, it has a light on it. When connected, the light should come on and stay on. When the key is accessed (when you run the software), the light will flicker. If the key is not installed properly, it will blink continuously.
If you are using an iButton key, you must follow the instructions below regarding setting up the USERPORT.
Az-Tech says that this should work with iButton keys. However, we have had mixed results. If it does not work, then you must run the software on a computer having Windows 98 or earlier, or you must upgrade your hardware key to a new Rockey.

Upgrades from iButton keys to Rockeys are the cost of upgrading your software to the newest version or US$150, whichever is greater. We can supply USB or Parallel port keys. USB keys are more popular. Shipping charges vary by your location and cost around $50 to $100. You must return your old hardware key.

Setting up the USERPORT for iButton keys:

1) Stop UserPort.
2) Uninstall setup32, if installed (identified as "EVERKEY" in "add and remove programs").
3) Uninstall Az-Tech Dev. Drivers.
4) Reboot.
5) Insure your Virus program is not running.
6) Install latest Azsetup.exe.
7) Start UserPort (if using iButton).
8) Reboot.

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