IX1D v 2
(say “Eye Eks One Dee”)

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picture for more information
IX1D v2 performs forward and inverse modeling in terms of a layered earth with resistivity and optional IP parameter for most sounding
methods (DC, FEM, MT, EM Conductivity). It also
allows for well log viewing, reduction and plotting. IX1D v2 works on one
sounding at a time.
IX1D v 2
also allows for the reduction of resistivity well logs to a reasonable
number of layers for model testing.
IX1D v2 is
sold as Shareware. A license fee of US$ 499.00 licenses one copy for use on
one machine to a
company or individual by name and registration code.

(say “Eye Eks Vee El Eff”)

Click on
picture for more information
IXVLF displays
and processes VLF data taken with most available commercial VLF systems.
IXVLF allows
for the display of Fraser filtered and Hjelt filtered data, as well as
magnetic field in-phase/quadrature or tilt angle/ellipticity. Hjelt filtered
data can be displayed as depth sections.
IXVLF is sold
as Shareware. A license fee of US$ 299.00 licenses one copy for use on one
machine to a company or individual by name and registration code.
This is an
introductory price and subject to change without notice.

(say “Eye Eks Seg Two Seg Wye”)

Click on
picture for more information
IXSeg2SegY is
a seismic file conversion, viewing and processing utility that imports SEG-2 and
SEG-Y data files, as well as most of the
historic SEG-1 engineering formats. It allows for some processing,
including first break picking, differentiation, integration, band-pass and
velocity filtering. It also offers refraction interpretation in terms of a layered
earth and reflection interpretation in terms of a Normal Move-Out (NMO)
curve.. Data can be exported as SEG-2 or SEG-Y, in mainframe
or PC formats. Batch conversion is available.
IXSeg2Segy is
sold as Shareware. A license fee of US$ 299.00 licenses one copy for use on
one machine to a
company or individual by name and registration code.